lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019



This is my final project! Here you can find all my works throughout the semester! I hope you enjoy going through them as much as I enjoyed doing them! This project is one of my favorites because I could put not only what I did in class but also other projects I worked on. I really put a lot of effort and dedication into all of this and it created something I am very proud of!

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

buisness cards!

Buisness cards!

Doing the buisness cards was vey interesting because i was able to see how to present myself in a more buisness like style, and what i wanted to transmit as a Public Relationist and Advertiser.




miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2019

Extra Credit 1

Extra Credit 1

Internet and World Wide Web:

Internet: Internet is a massive network of networks. It is a networking infrastructure. 

World Wide Web: It is the system we use to access the Internet. The Web isn't the only system out there, but it's the most popular and widely used.

Resultado de imagen para internet vs www

Resultado de imagen para memes english

Resultado de imagen para memes

Resultado de imagen para memes funny
Imagen relacionada
Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen para memes funny
Resultado de imagen para memes funny
Resultado de imagen para memes funny
Resultado de imagen para memes funny